IDC European Woman in Venture Capital

EUROPEAN WOMEN IN VC IDC #EUR148997722 © IDC 2022 29 Extremely important Very important Moderately important Slightly important Not at all important THE VC ECOSYSTEM & DIVERSITY — Having a diversity strategy should be higher on the agenda of LPs 02 Though over 50% of VCs indicate that having a diversity strategy at portfolio level is important to their LPs, there are still 44% that find this not important or only slightly/moderately important.  There is no difference for the size of the funds (< €200M or > €200M), but there are regional differences.  Where most respondents in Central West do not think this is extremely important (only 9% do), it is thought to be extremely important by 33% of respondents in the UK.  Companies benefit from the diversity of their employees. In the VC ecosystem, however, the share of women is clearly underrepresented. Many specific steps are needed to improve the situation. It startswith “entrepreneurship education” and ends with a cultural change. Source: IDC European Women in VC Websurvey, VCs AuM >€25M, n=119 Q: On the following scales, please indicate how important you think that having a diversity & inclusion strategy at your funds and in the portfolio is to your Limited Partners Importance Diversity Strategy for LPs 23% 34% 30% 68% 65% 7% 6%