IDC European Woman in Venture Capital

EUROPEAN WOMEN IN VC IDC #EUR148997722 © IDC 2022 28 Surveys show numbers, but we must, as an industry and as leaders of our own teams, recognise that these findings stem from firm culture. For every statistic there’s a story of an investor’s career halted by parental leave, a proposed investment turned down by their team or an idea overheard just to be restated by another to the applause of all. We need to push for transparency and strong policies to create equal opportunities for development and promotion. VC firms with lasting success are those that carefully build the next generation of investors and consciously open the partnership to a diverse range of genders, ages, ethnicities, life experiences, and socio-economic backgrounds. We’ve all got more work to do. JOE SCHORGE Founder and Managing Partner, Isomer Capital