IDC European Woman in Venture Capital

EUROPEAN WOMEN IN VC IDC #EUR148997722 © IDC 2022 26 Thepeopleand institutions fundingventurecapital firmscanaccelerate this change by demanding that the funds they invest in put in the work to diversify their portfolios and their own investment teams … and by investing in diverse and emerging fund managers. Doing so will make a lasting impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem by creating a ripple effect of investment and innovation that benefits diverse founders, teams and communities. So why not reap potentially impressive long- term returns while creating systemic change that literally improves the world? CORINNE VIGREUX Co-Founder of TOMTOM While we appreciate the heavy support of taxpayer-related funds being invested in European VC, we wanted to research the overall composition of LP structures in Europe to show that female investors are present. Nevertheless, we are aware that they still do not write significant cheques. MARZENA BIELECKA Co-founder of European Women in VC, Managing Partner at Experior Venture Fund